11/19/2017 AACMA CEU Sacramento 8 hs

11/19/17 Sacramento Symposium Speaker Profile

Professor Huang, Jianling

She is department chief of gynecology in TCM Hospital of Guangdong Province, chief physician and professor, doctoral tutor, academic successor of Professor Li, Liyun. Standing Committee member of Gynecology branch of China Association of Chinese Medicine. Deputy director of gynecology branch of Guangdong Association of the Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine, standing committee member of family planning branch of Guangdong Medical Association. She graduated from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in 1982. She has over 30 years experience of clinic, teaching and research in gynecology. She is specialty in utilize integrity Chinese Medicine and western medicine to treat pelvic inflammation and mass, infertility, endometriosis, tumor, menstruation disorder and menopause syndrome. She has been hosted or involved over 30 researches or teaching projects from national to province levels. She has been published 11 books, over 50 academic papers, and got 9 prizes of research and teaching. She was invited to California as a speaker in 2004, 2009, and 2011 by Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, and was appointed as academic advisor.

Speech Topic:
Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy for Infertility in Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
Contents Outline:
1, Introduction: definition of infertility, epidemiology.
2, The infertility factors: female factors, male factors, both men and women factors.
3, Infertility Examination: female exam, male exam, both male and female exam.
4, The diagnosis of infertility: infertility diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine,
infertility examination and diagnosis of modern medicine.
5, Infertility treatment: general treatment, disease identification and dialectical
treatment, etiology treatment and treatment based on syndrome differentiation
of traditional Chinese medicine.

Through this lecture acupuncturists may completly understanding the diagnosis and treatment strategy of infertility in TCM and western medicine. Speakers will share abundant clinical experiences, provide examples and interact with audiences and guide future clinical practice.

Gao, Liling, O.M.D, L.Ac

She graduated from Liaoning TCM College acupuncture correspondence program in 1986. She graduated with master degree from ACCHS in 1999, and earned her O.M.D. degree at South Baylo University in 2006. She has been in private practice nearly 18 years. Dr. Gao started learning Da Yan Qi Gong in 1989 at Qi Gong Department of Wuhan Athletic College. From 2002, she had intensive training of Da Yan Qi Gong under Wenwu Qi Gong College. After passed the junior class of first 64 styles and the senior class of rear 64 styles, She graduated in 2005 and got an instructor certificate. From 2003, she started to teach Da Yan Qi Gong junior class, including physical stretching, which is benefited from her experience as a physical therapist aid. She also contributes to the community by volunteer teaching Qi Gong once a month at the last Sunday from April to September. In 2012, she led her students to perform Qi Gong at the Moon Cake Festival at Sunset district of SF and was well received. In 2016, she was invited as a speaker presented at the annual meeting of UCSF pelvic oncology specialty of OB & GYN. Her speech included how the Da Yan Qi Gong affects pelvic tumor and the meaning for recovery. She also performed Da Yan Qi Gong and led the audiences practice and was rewarded a warm welcome.

Topic: Da Yan Qi Gong
Content Outline:
1. Introduction of Da Yan’s characteristic;
2. Introduction of Da Yan Qi Gong;
3. How the Da Yan Qi Gong guide the Qi of twelve meridians and eight extra meridians, the Qi of important points (19 points at motion style, 3 points at still style), the benefit of Da Yan Qi Gong (present anatomy pictures);
4. The Importance of practicing Qi Gong, brief introduction of the demanding of well being in the population of the Hi-Tech era;
5. The history of Da Yan Qi Gong;
6. The personal planning for advocacy Da Yan Qi Gong and martial art Tai Ji Quan (deep discussion the relationship of Chinese Medicine and Tao health culture, also the connection between Da Yan QI Gong And Martial Art Tai Ji Quan).

繼續教育學術講座程序表 11/19/2017

時間/Time:11/19/2017  9am—-6:00pm


地點/Location:8701 Center Parkway, Suite 150 , Sacramento,CA 95823


8:30 am–9:00 am: 注冊 Registration (工作人员8:30之前到场)


9:00 am—1:00 pm:

講員: 黃健玲 教授

講題: 不孕症中西醫診療思路

Speaker: Professor Jianling Huang

Topic:   Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy for Infertility in Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine

1:00pm – 2:00pm 午餐/ Lunch.

2:00- 6:00 Pm

講員:高麗玲 醫師


Speaker: Liling Gao, L.Ac

Topic: Da Yan Qi Gong

本講座4小時一類繼續教育學分, 4小時二類繼續教育學分報加州針灸局待批。

This class will offer 4 hours of CEU category I, and 4 hours category II CEU. CE application is in processing by California Acupuncture Board. Provider No: 238

Parking: Free parking at front of building.




主持: 何峰雲, 王嘯武

學術部:何峰云 等。           組織部:梁曦阳 等。 宣傳部:薛雲 。等

財務部:周澤新 等。           總務部:张通 等。


Name: ______________________________License No.: AC____________ Telephone: ______________________

Mailing Address:___________________________________________________________________________

Seminar Fee:                                                                   Pre-registration On-site
AACMA Member $30 (with 2017 membership card) $30 (with valid 2017 membership card)
Student $25 (with valid ID) $50 (with valid ID)
Non—Member $180                                                       $200



(1) Pre-registration deadline is Nov. .1st, 2017,(2) Refund Policy: 80% prior to Nov. .1st, 2017, none thereafter. (3) Please make your check payable to AACMA. (4) If you have not paid your 2017 membership fee ($120) and PAC donation ($80), please pay them ASAP, or you can bring your checks (you must bring two checks to pay each separately) at the class to pay them on site. Please write your name and license number on your check. (5) We will provide handouts (Chinese and English) prior to the lecture and issue CE certificate after the lecture.

(1)提前註冊的截止日期是2017年11月1日。(2)退款條件:在11月1日之前有80%退還,之後不退款。(3)支票抬頭請寫AACMA. (4)會員憑2017年會員卡聽課(只需繳註冊費)。未繳交2017年會費($120)及政治行動捐款($80)者,請儘快將支票寄出,或者請攜帶支票到會場繳納,然後註冊聽課,領取講義以及學分証書。(5)請將您的姓名和執照號寫在支票的右上角。

問題咨詢與聯系:公會email : aacmaus@gmail.com   钟毅青 秘书,Tel:415-981-8384

郵寄表格及支票:Sent form and checks: 777 Stockton St Suite 105 San Francisco, CA 94108



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